My name is Emma Farrell and I’m addicted to Pinterest! I am a Pinoholic a Pincrastinator and an all-round pinning crazy woman. I mostly pin for teaching but don’t mind the odd recipe, fashion tip or cleaning tip!
I have been on Pinterest for eighteen months and have accumulated thousands of pins on over 190 boards… eeek!
This clearly shows my addiction! That’s almost 900 pins a month, about 210 pins a week and about 30 pins per day. I hope I’m not the only one!
I can’t help but get excited when I see good ideas, so I made a board for them. I’m passionate about art and craft, so just had to make a board for all of those cute crafts both product and process orientated. I’m a stickler for social skills and classroom management, so I made a board for social skills.
If I was not a teacher I would have probably gotten into interior design, so I filter this love via classroom organizing and design, so of course I have a board for that. I believe children learn best collaborating and playing, so I have a few different boards for this. I also have a Play Ideas board too as I’m an early childhood trained teacher!
I have a few dozen more of own boards that I love pinning to but I won’t bore you with them. You can view them over on my Pinterest page.
My most loved (non-collaborative) Pinterest board would have to be….. oh I can’t choose one. Here are two of my favs:
I love this board because I am always in need of fun, hands-on games for all areas of literacy and I have a shocking memory. Sometimes we need to find ideas in a rush and for me having a visual reminder or go to source is perfect.
and … Learn to Read and Write
I’m passionate about beginning and emergent readers and the especially the milestones of reading acquisition. I find having a growing board full of useful ideas to use when planning that exciting lesson is made so much easier now.
You may or may not have noticed that many of the boards that I love coincide with my passions, as seen in the column to your left. My top four rows of my Pinterest page represent what I’m most excited and interested in. I also try to display this in my blog posts. If your passions are similar to mine, you might like to follow my little old blog via email or bloglovin.
I would love to learn about your most loved (non-collaborative) Pinterest board(s) too. You can comment below or join in the discussion over at our Facebook page.
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Picking one is hard (especially non-collaborative) but my favorite is my Tips Board because it is where I pin all of those things that make you say "WOW! That is an awesome idea and I can't believe I never thought of it." Here is a link: