Grab your free sample file of our Printables for any Word List on our Facebook page.
EDIT (April, 2015): Facebook no longer allow fan freebies! If you would like to download this freebie, please click here. If you would like to follow us on Facebook, please click here.
Click on any of the images above to go to the free sample page via our Facebook page (instructions below).
I love the idea of have a file full of printables that can be differentiated for any word list that I am using at a moment’s notice. I wanted to have a set of worksheets that are super engaging and cover a range of skills and strategies.
The printables focus on:
1. Learning the words
2. Working with the word list
3. Working on meaning
4. Working in pairs
5. Working on words with art
6. Hands-on and
7. Math
You can select pages and make a booklet, laminate pages for fast finishers, place pages in plastic sleeves for write on and wipe off morning work or center work. You can read more and see how you can integrate them into your program here.
Here’s some feedback from our wonderful customers!
“Amazing! I often look on TPT but have never bought anything. You inspired me to pay for a resource because I believe in not have to recreate the wheel every time I want to teach a concept. Congratulations on a great resource and most of all thank you for sharing and for saving me so much time! I really appreciate it :)”
“Are you kidding me!? Thank you!! This is such a useful packet! Centers, homework….lots of different possibilities! Well done!!”
“I am so glad I saw this in my Facebook feed! I can’t thank you enough. WOW, my working with words center is going to be the next year! Thanks for sharing your creativity and work, you are awesome and appreciated!“
“I love this!!! I’m so glad that it can be geared towards whatever list you are using, and for multiple levels. I teach Kindergarten, and have levels ranging from kids still learning the alphabet to kids that read at a 2nd grade level. This is perfect!! Can’t wait to start using it :)”
“An absolute MUST have!! If you haven’t checked out the awesome Bottle Cap activities from Clever Classroom, then you should go and purchase!!!! LOVE all her products 🙂 THANK YOU!!!”
Read more feedback here.
Jump on over to our Facebook page and download the free sample file and try it out in your classroom.
Follow the guide below (see pink highlighted areas) to find your freebie.
1. Go to our Facebook page (you must be a fan to gain access to the freebie).
2. Click on the ‘free download’ tab under our banner.
3. Click the skip button I have highlighted below.
4. Click download then save or print the file.
Thanks for popping by our blog and Facebook page. I welcome any feedback via our Facebook page or comments below.
For more freebies, be sure to follow this blog here.
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Wonderful, wonderful resource! Thank you so much!!!