You may know by now that I love bottle cap activities for literacy and also for art and craft.
This bottle cap apple print art is so easy to create.
Once you have collected a few green and red bottle caps by asking your students to bring them in, you can get started.
Here’s how to implement the apple prints.
Here are a few other apple ideas.
You can find more paper plate life cycles e.g. pumpkin, frog, sunflower, plant, ant, butterfly, watermelon, salmon and sea turtle here.
Are you able to use YouTube in your classroom?
I have a playlist full of apple videos. If you want a read aloud, songs, finger plays, apple life cycle or other apple themed videos, click on the image below.
I have linked up with the very talented and sweet Erica over at Erica’s Ed-Ventures. She has an amazing post on how she explores apples with her class. Click here to read more.
You may also like to watch these apple videos via our playlist on YouTube. I’m always adding new videos to my play lists so be sure to pop back and see what’s new from time to time.
If you like them , you can add them to your playlist too.
Thanks for dropping by, I hope these apple ideas help you and your students this autumn.
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I think it's great when kids are motivated, busy and engaged at schools as it helps them to evolve the powers of mind and acquire some necessary skills. But today some schools stunt tremendously such qualities as curiosity, creativity, wonder, and intrinsic motivation. Futhermore schools began to resemble prisons: children are cut from society and social media is banned. It's no surprise that kids lost motivation to study. So instead of writing essays, dissertations, they seek for the best dissertation writing or professional writers online It means they gain no knowledge and waste time/money. Our society needs intelligent and many-sided individualities and that's why we need new education system.