It’s almost Mother’s Day. A big happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers reading this post. In my opinion, mothers are to be cherished and loved. For me, my mother is the sugar in my life. She sprinkles sweet drops of candy with her smile and her sincere touch. Please don’t take motherhood for granted for […]

How to Secure a Plastic Table Cloth
Securing the plastic table cloth for your children is so easy. I discovered this idea when I worked in preschool back in the nineties! To prevent children dragging the table cloth off and everything on it or the wind blowing it off if you are outdoors, simply tie the ends of a length of polyester […]

Mother’s Day Bookmark: Pot-Pourri on Sandpaper
A Simple Mother’s Day Bookmark: Pot-Pourri on Sandpaper I love this idea because it is so simple but very effective. This Mother’s Day gift idea would be great for 2-8 year-olds, or even older. I have used sand paper as it is a bit stronger than card-stock and I like the textured look it presents. […]

Mother’s Day Flowers with Sink Strainers
Mother’s Day Flowers using Sink Strainers This is a simple art idea that I have done with preschoolers up to grade two. For younger, children draw on the stems and leaves. Older children can draw their own from a model. Children then write ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ across the top. For very young children, you could […]

International Pay it Forward Day Thursday 25th April, 2013
International Pay it Forward Day – Thursday 25th April, 2013 Many of us have heard of the concept ‘pay it forward’ now there is an international day for it! The international day began in 2012 with the movement involving people from all around the world. Anyone can be involved and it doesn’t cost you anything, […]